Remove trigger p3at
Remove trigger p3at

remove trigger p3at

It is only as effective as the user is responsible. The Trigger Stop does not function as an absolute safety. If your habit is to carry a gun either un-chambered or chambered for minimum response time, the Trigger Stop can be pushed out in less time that it takes to remove the gun from a pocket, holster or purse and creates one more possible barrier to accidental discharge. It is made of a rubber material that has enough flexibility to be pushed out of position with one finger, therefore, enabling the firearm. The Adjustable Tension Trigger Stop is designed to be wedged between the back of the trigger and the back of the trigger guard. This patented product is an uncomplicated design that can help make conceal carry a little safer. Even if you have a built-in safety, wouldn't it be smart to have a second line of defense for accidental discharge especially when carrying chambered. You owe it to yourself and others around you to take every precaution to help ensure that the gun will not discharge accidentally by you, a child or anyone else. Most semi-auto guns and all revolvers do not have built-in Switch On/Off Safeties.

remove trigger p3at

Many of them would probably wish they used the Micro Holster Trigger Stop. There are 467,000 YouTube videos of people accidentally shooting themselves or others.

Remove trigger p3at